I'm addicted to lip balm. I have about 5 tubes laying around my house and one in my purse at all times, yet I know a lot of people, especially men, who pass on lip balm, because they don't like the way it feels. The problem with this, is that they will lick their lips to "moisturize" instead. Saliva is meant to aid in the process of food digestion, by starting to dissolve food particles. So saliva is actually going to exfoliate, crack and irritate your lips, instead of moisturizing. Being that we're entering into the coldest season, I thought I'd give some recommendations to help break this bad habit for non-users once and for all!
Everyone's tried Carmex...I was a Carmex girl for many years, and although it was my fave in the past, I can't help but feel like I'm putting candle wax on my lips. It's a little too thick for my taste these days, but I still have some floating around that I'll use infrequently.
Another product that's equally as great is Creme de la Mer's lip balm. Both this and the 'Lips at Large' have a cool mint sensation hidden in that wonderfully silky texture. The Creme de La Mer is a also a little bit less expensive at $45. And again, no sun protection is offered.
This Nivea lip balm, 'A Kiss of Moisture', came free with a moisturizer purchase at Costco (go figure), and it's actually pretty awesome. This is an inexpensive product that comes very close to having that same silky texture as the Z Bigatti and the La Mer balms. My only complaints are that this product doesn't have that menthol tingle to it, (I like that active feeling), and it doesn't last long. I feel like the product evaporates rather quickly, but at this drugstore price point, you can afford to keep piling it on. My 'gift with purchase' I received doesn't have sun protection, but they do offer this balm with SPF as well, which I would highly recommend.
And finally, my favorite lip balm at the moment is Epicuren's. This is by far the best inexpensive lip balm I've ever tried. This provides that creamy, non-waxy texture, it has tea tree oil for a little active sensation and healing, and it also boasts an SPF 15. I have no complaints about this product, and at $5 a tube, it's the clear winner in my books right now!
So please do your lips a favor and buy a lip balm this winter, and hopefully it will become a year round habit for you. Remember, no one wants to kiss dry lips! ;)
Thanks for all your great posts!
"fashionably tasteful.have a bite"